The one percent nicole buffett biography

  • The one percent nicole buffett biography
  • The one percent nicole buffett biography

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  • Nicole buffett art.

    Nicole Buffett is at home among the neo-hippies who shuffle along the laid-back, tree-lined streets of Berkeley, CA. At an elfin 5 feet tall, clad in a flowing peasant dress and sandals adorned with peace signs, her long hair cascading in ropy dreadlocks to her waist, the 32-year-old abstract painter is just another of the city's free-thinking, granola-crunching denizens.

    And yet, she's a walking oddity. "The first thing most people think of when they hear my last name is money," she laughs.

    Not just money — gobs of it.

    The one percent nicole buffett biography wikipedia

    Nicole Buffett's grandfather is the legendary investor Warren Buffett, whose $58 billion fortune made him the richest man on the planet, a mantle he seized from Bill Gates last fall. So deep are Buffett's pockets that when the financial markets cratered in September, the so-called Oracle of Omaha single-handedly buoyed Wall Street (at least for a day) by plunking down $5 billion on troubled investment bank Goldman Sachs.

    ("Canonize Warren Buffett," cried one h