Gertrude koch biography

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    German Resistance Memorial Center Biographie

    (uid_foreign IN (87,83,84,89,90,91,92,94,95,101,99,96,98,97,100,85,88,93,86) AND tablenames = 'pages_language_overlay')

    Gertrud Koch

    June 01, 1924 - June 21, 2016

    Gertrud Koch 

    Gertrud “Mucki” Koch was born in Cologne, the daughter of a boilermaker and an apothecary.

    Her father was a communist, frequently arrested after 1933 and murdered in a concentration camp in 1942. The family suffered a great deal of repression.

    Gertrude koch biography

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  • Gertrud’s mother lost her job and the two of them had to leave their home. Money was tight and Gertrud had to earn money even as a child. Her mother could not afford to send her to high school, so she took an apprenticeship in a Montessori kindergarten.

    She was not allowed to take her final examinations, however, as her family was regarded as “politically unreliable.” Gertrud Koch was a member of the communist Red Young Pioneers before the National Socialists took power, and refused to join the