Johann gutenberg biography timeline graphic organizers
Johann gutenberg biography timeline graphic organizers printable
Johann gutenberg biography timeline graphic organizers examples.
B - condemned; 5. The wealthy classes--nobles, burgesses (burghers), and artisans; 6. C - nobility; 7. A - antagonism; 8. A - arbiter; 9. D - provisions; 10.
Answers will vary; 11. B - inheritance; 12. Gutenberg's friends held the chief magistrate of Mainz for ransom; 13. A - Greece; 14. C - keenness; 15.
Johann gutenberg biography timeline graphic organizers
B - expunged; 16. A Latin grammar engraved on a wooden board; 17. Answers will vary, but will include the discovery of letters reproduced on cloth in sap from freshly carved wood; 18.
B - inadvertently; 19. C - Strasburg; 20.
Free timeline graphic organizers
D - personified; 21. B - False; 22. A - Faustus; 23. Answers will vary; 24. D - smooth; 25. Convent of St. Arbogast; 26.
Conrad Saspach; 27. D - religious; 28.
Johann gutenberg biography timeline graphic organizers pdf
A - diverse; 29. B - profitable; 30. B - disadvantageous; 31. C - questioning; 32. A - deceitful; 33. He preferred to lose his court case if it meant keeping the secrets