Senator ronald rice newark office

  • Senator ronald rice newark office
  • Senator ronald rice newark office

  • State senator ronald rice
  • Senator nicholas scutari
  • Senator nicholas sacco
  • Nj senator ronald rice
  • Senator nicholas scutari...

    UVSO Renaming Administrative Building after Former New Jersey State Senator Ronald L. Rice


    By: Yuritza Arroyo


    Unified Vailsburg Services Organization (UVSO) is renaming its administrative building after Former New Jersey State Senator, the Honorable Ronald L.


    According to officials, an undeniably fierce advocate for the community, the Honorable Ronald L. Rice has left an undeniable mark in the Vailsburg neighborhood, in the West Ward of the City of Newark, and the entire State of New Jersey Unified Vailsburg Service Organization (UVSO) celebrates the life and legacy of the former Senator and a long-time resident of the Vailsburg community by renaming its headquarters after him as the longest-serving Black senator in New Jersey State history.

    Rice led the way on racial justice issues, sponsoring legislation allowing municipalities to create civilian review boards with subpoena power and calling for a statewide study into racial bias in the cr