Apostle paul personality type
Personality type test...
How would Saint Paul’s character have been reflected in the Myers-Briggs types?
Apostle paul personality type
Was he an introvert or an extrovert? Did he focus on the information he learned or did he interpret it and add his own meaning to it? Was he purely logical, or did he include emotional factors in coming to a decision? Did he like to have things understood and decided, or did he keep himself open to new possibilities?
The Myers-Briggs type indicator is used for lots of different activities, from career counseling to suggesting particular forms of prayer.
Apostle paul personality type chart
There are formal tests and even credentialing to administer the test available from the Myers-Briggs Foundation. Tests and counseling are available from many sources, approved and unapproved.
This is my own unscientific application of the principles of the type indicator to what I know of Paul from his writings and the writings about him in the New Testament.
The four letters of the type indicator represent preferred ways that individuals use their pe